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Happy Children's Day 2021

Happy Children's Day 2021

“A child can always teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to be always busy with something and know how to demand with all his might what you want.”
Release: 5/31/2021 15 animes
Sailor SUMMER!!! MAKE UP!!!

Sailor SUMMER!!! MAKE UP!!!

"When a dark power enshrouds the Earth after a total solar eclipse, the scattered Sailor Guardians must reunite to bring light back into the world."
Release: 6/2/2021 12 animes
Good Bye to a Legend!!! Thank You!!

Good Bye to a Legend!!! Thank You!!

A tragic day for the world of manga, Miura Kentaro, famed author/artist for the legendary and unfinished series Berserk, has passed away suddenly at the age of 54. "Berserk is one of the most beautiful pieces of art"
Release: 5/20/2021 6 animes