Happy Children's Day 2021
“A child can always teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to be always busy with something and know how to demand with all his might what you want.”
Release: 5/31/2021 15 animes

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Your Summer Rewind 2021 is here!!! CHECK IT OUT NOW!!!!
Release: 9/29/2021 29 animes
Manga Legend Fujiko A. Fujio Dies at 88

Manga Legend Fujiko A. Fujio Dies at 88

Manga artist Motoo Abiko, or Fujiko A. Fujio, dies at 88.
Release: 4/7/2022 5 animes
Sailor SUMMER!!! MAKE UP!!!

Sailor SUMMER!!! MAKE UP!!!

"When a dark power enshrouds the Earth after a total solar eclipse, the scattered Sailor Guardians must reunite to bring light back into the world."
Release: 6/2/2021 12 animes