Naked Wolves

TV 5m
In the Flash-animated television comedy series, a sumo wrestler named Mikoshiarashi travels around the world to train to become the Yokozuna, the Grand Sumo Champion. He meets colorful characters along the way as he is determined to meet his goals.
AniWatch is the best site to watch Naked Wolves SUB online, or you can even watch Naked Wolves DUB in HD quality. You can also find Kate Arrow anime on AniWatch website.
In the Flash-animated television comedy series, a sumo wrestler named Mikoshiarashi travels around the world to train to become the Yokozuna, the Grand Sumo Champion. He meets colorful characters along the way as he is determined to meet his goals.
Japanese: ネイキッドウルブズ
Synonyms: Hadaka no Ookami
Aired: Apr 6, 2009 to Mar 28, 2010
Premiered: Spring 2009
Duration: 5m
Status: Finished Airing
MAL Score: 5.86
Studios: Kate Arrow
AniWatch is the best site to watch Naked Wolves SUB online, or you can even watch Naked Wolves DUB in HD quality. You can also find Kate Arrow anime on AniWatch website.
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