6 hours ago

Exporting Aniwatch watchlist to MAL

I wanted to export my anime watchlist from Aniwatch to MAL, and after hours of googling, I found no help. Aniwatch basically gives you a list of MAl URLs of your watchlist anime and you would have to go to each url to add that anime in MAL.

Another way of doing it to first import that file in aniwave, and then export from it in MAL format. However this method also skips a lot of anime for some reason.

So, I created my own script XD
However, this script also has an issue.

You see. Aniwatch does not provide watch-status for anime you watching in its export file. So, unfortunately i had to create the script in such a way that the status would automatically be set to 'PLAN TO WATCH'.

So, you would have to manually set status to your desired one in MAL

Here's the repo, if anyone's interested.