Yomi Satsuki

Yomi Satsuki

皐月 夜見
Age: 15
Birthday: December 24
Height: 160 cm
Blood type: A
Occupation: Toji, Military officer, High school student (former)
Affiliation(s): Origami Family's Elite Guard, Special Sword Administration Bureau, Special Ritual Riot Squad
School: Renpu Girls' School (alumna)
Okatana: Suijingiri Kanemitsu
Fighting style: Shinjin-Ryu
Likes: Bringing in tea, Black tea

Among the members of the Elite Guard, she is the one who most often stays at Yukari Origami's side. She appears incapable of showing emotions, and will not engage in conversation unless necessary.

She has shown another side of her personality, willing to do anything to obtain power, to be more "useful."

(Source: Toji no Miko Wiki)