Kyouka Midarezaki
乱崎 凶華
The 'mother' of Midarezaki family. She is twenty years old, however, she has an appearance of a little girl with a cat's ear and a cat's tail. Her real name is 'Kyoukya Eaeriaea (キョウキァ=エアエリアエア)', and she used to be worshiped by the people of an underground kingdom named 'Shangri-la', however, she ran away because she felt something missing from her life. Due to her past of being worshiped, she has very arrogant and destructive nature, but despite her personality, she is actually very caring about her family. She has an ability named 'Keitai Denwa (携帯電話 lit. cell phone), which allows her to manipulate a person's mind.
The Diary of a Crazed Family
Main (Role) TV